This year's Candlepin Bowling Tournament was a very competitive affair, with only 55 points separating the top 5 teams.
2022 Candlepin Bowling Results
1. Wakefield.......988
2. South Shore...972
3. Middleboro.....949
4. JGW.................942
5. Greater Boston933
6. Tekoa...............798
7. John Eliot........757
Individually, our top scores for the overall series and individual frames were Nick Miller and Colin Beckler:
Hi Series...Nick Miller- South Shore 244
Hi Single...Colin Beckler- Greater Boston 105
The Ludwig is still any Chapter's to win!
Ludwig Scoring to Date:
South Shore....7
John Eliot........2
Between the State Officer's epic victory over the Masonic Grand Officers and a highly competitive candlepin tournament, Massachusetts DeMolay is bowling over the competition!