Boston Light PublishesFirst Kingdom of DeMolay On-line Magazine Boston Light Storytellers
Date: March 12, 2012
From: Bob Heruska & Jim Bennette
Welcome to the Kingdom Online Magazine!
As we continue building out the Kingdom of DeMolay and bringing more and more DeMolay into this special world, the team at Boston Light wanted to provide everyone with a glimpse into the making of the Kingdom and where we see it going. We are hoping to put this online magazine out every month and eventually have it embedded on the Kingdom Website as well.
The magazine is written and edited by the actual folks who have built our world from the ground up over the last year. And while many of you may not be familiar with their names today, you should know that to those in the greater virtual world environment, these guys are true “rock stars” -- and are certainly considered to be among top architects, builders, and designers working in the field today.
In every issue, we’ll also be spotlighting what some of our DeMolay are doing “in world,” and as we move forward, we’ll look forward to your submissions as well. This month, the spotlight is on Matthew Blaisdell from Pennsylvania, who’s doing some pretty amazing things with lights in the Kingdom. And we’ve already heard that in the next issue Gregor Berry in Florida will be telling us about a special “jousting” game he’s developing.
To view the magazine, just click on the link below and follow the instructions. And be sure to click on some of the imbedded links to learn even more about how our online environment is already changing DeMolay and the world.