On Saturday, April 6th, Region New Hampshire DeMolay will confer the degrees on a special class of new members named for Dad Paul M. Leary, Grand Master of Masons in New Hampshire and Deputy Member of DeMolay International Supreme Council. This will be held at the Concord Masonic Building beginning at 4:00 pm.
Following the degrees (6:30 pm) we will be joined by New Hampshire Rainbow for dinner. After which, we will journey to the Concord Racquet Club for Lock-In. DeMolays from the Region will be doing the degree work, so we will see an awesome presentation of the degrees and have many opportunities for making new friends and renewing old ones! The cost is $30.00 each and will include dinner and a Lock-In T-Shirt. Dinner only will be $10.00, and candidates will be free!
Any active DeMolay can go free if they are the 1st line signer for three new members. Dad Baldwin will need a list of those who joining on this day as a special diploma will be presented to the members of the class!