The Friends of Massachusetts DeMolay Society was created in June of 2014 by the Board of Trustees for the DeMolay Foundation of Massachusetts. The society consists of individuals who have given $100 or more in support of the foundation, which is the non-profit arm of Massachusetts DeMolay.
The DeMolay Foundation of Massachusetts is primarily responsible for financing the operation of our DeMolay program. Events like Congress, Conclave, Athletic Tournaments, and the DeMolay Ball are supported by the foundation. Scholarships for active and senior DeMolays also come out of the foundation.
DeMolay's ability to grow into a bigger and better program for all involved is dependent upon not only recruiting and retaining new members but also on our ability to finance our programs directly.
Every individual who makes a minimum one-time gift of $100.00 to the DeMolay Foundation of Massachusetts will receive the Friends of DeMolay tie - an exclusive tie for the benefactors of our program.
Along with your donation, you will receive a letter thanking you for your donation to the DeMolay Foundation of Massachusetts, our 501(c)3 arm, with instructions on how to list your donation on your taxes. Thanks for your continued support of Massachusetts DeMolay!